In 7 Easy Steps, An Absolute Beginner To Storytelling Can Transform Plain Stories Into Great Stories.
Your Family and Friends Will Love, Admire and Cherish
Your Stories -
Even If You Have Never Told A Story Before!
Unlock the Secrets of Storytelling Using
How To Tell A Great Story
How To Tell A Great Story is divided into 7 easy-to-follow steps, described in easy-to-understand language.
The storytelling techniques described in this resource will serve as a solid foundation for your storytelling legacy. This Guide describes how to organise your story, set a theme, understand how many characters there should be in your story and when you’re really proficient, we even encourage you to venture further to consider selling your stories.
Here's a Hint of the Storytelling Guidelines You Get in How To Tell A Great Story
Vital Preparation To Help You Tell Your Great Story
Excerpts: Imagine this: you are standing in an empty room. You are an artist and would like to paint a picture. But, there is no canvas, no paints, no brushes and not even an easel. How are you possibly going to get that masterpiece of yours on canvas without even these basic items in hand? Likewise, in storytelling, if you do not have some of the most basic equipment in hand, then how are you possibly going to tell that great story of yours? Once you master this step, you will be prepared to tell a story at any time, INSTANTLY.
Themes Of Your Great Story
Excerpts: The following is a conversation between an Advertising Executive and his Boss. The Boss has just completed going over the Executive's masterpiece – a presentation for a client - from cover to cover. Executive : So, what did you think of the story I told? Boss: … what is it about? Executive: What do you mean, ‘What is it about?’... [There’s absolute silence for the next two minutes as the Executive thinks of what to say. Then, … ] Executive: I’ll think about it and let you know.
One of the tips revealed in this section is the set of over 45 different topics for your stories. When you complete this section, you will also know how to generate your own stories.
The Reasons For Telling Your Great Story
Excerpts: You are present when the person conducting the meeting is trying to relay a message by telling a story. Not only is the story deadly dull, you cannot but help ask the question, “Why is he telling me this?” Just as you complete this thought, you look down to stifle a yawn. When you look up, you know that this person has noted your boredom by the manner in which he avoids making eye-contact with you for the rest of the time. At the end of this session, you come to hear from the rest of your colleagues that they too were bored silly by this person’s presentation. When you master this step, you will never waver from the focus of your story ... And no one will ever be bored when you tell a story.
It's All About The People
Excerpts: ... You realise that you've failed [to make a proper presentation] when, at the end of your presentation, your boss says, “I’m sorry, but I think you don't understand that the product applies to a woman, not a man,” [emphasis added]. With this step, from now on, you will ALWAYS describe your characters to perfection. The people you speak about will just come alive with the words you use to describe them ... EVERY SINGLE TIME.
Paint Your Setting
Excerpts: ... Would you like to be a more engaging conversationalist? Here’s a very simple way in which you can do this. Read this paragraph and you’ll see just what I mean:
I am in the Kuala Lumpur International Airport waiting for someone to arrive. I begin to observe things around me. What I notice is this: The colours featured most in here are silver and blue because of the steel frames and the marble flooring. I know that one of the trees outside produces the jasmine flowers but I cannot smell them. All I hear are people speaking English but with a huge American accent. The taste of the coffee is strong as it is from one of the many ‘imported’ outlets like San Francisco Coffee or Coffee Bean. The air-conditioning must be set on "High" because I’m freezing!
From now on, you'll ALWAYS describe a place so well that your audience will feel like they've been there!
Join The Dots
Excerpts: People often do not believe that the 'three act drama' in storytelling is used in business. Let me surprise you. Read the following passage. [What is in black is usually the terms that marketing gurus use. What is in red is how the three act drama applies to the sales letter]
Part 1 - Act 1
Headline and Sub-headline – these are intended to immediately capture the interest of your reader - the hero in this three act drama.
Introduce the problem - relate to the reader and explain product – this is the part where the hero's main conflict and all that is at stake to him are stated.
... Do you understand why marketing gurus constantly say ... that ... by setting out the long sales letter, you would have told a complete and compelling story of your product.
It’s All A Matter Of Style
Excerpts: I once had a conversation with a gentleman that went something like this: Mr. X: Let me tell you the story of Adam. His father, Steven was looking after him. He was really a very nice guy but was born with deformities. He grew up in an unhappy home and his father used to abuse him. He ended up going to jail you know. Now, I was confused. 1. Was Adam a nice guy, but born with deformities? 2. Was Steven a nice guy, but born with deformities? 3. Did Adam grow up in an unhappy home where Steven used to abuse him? With this step you will learn to have your own style of storytelling which will appeal to your audience and engage them in your great story.
For only $9.99 you can get INSTANT ACCESS to this valuable information.
The End? Not really! It's just the beginning.
Here’s what people are saying about How To Tell A Great Story
Here are some of the comments I've received for the eBook, 'How To Tell A Great Story'.
Review of Aneeta Sundararaj, “How To Tell a Great Story” Published by Bookshaker, July 2, 2011. 170 pages and Kindle
Whatever it is that you do, if you want to get your point across, tell a story. The reason is simple: stories connect, they anchor ideas and images and information in our minds like nothing else does. That is what makes a great novel, a great speech, an excellent business presentation effective is the way they link what they have to say to a compelling story. It is also what makes gossip and political attack TV ads so damaging. The power is in the story because stories make ideas come to life in ways that you and I can identify with.
If you’re a beginning speaker, presenter or sales person, then Aneeta Sundararaj’s book is one you’ll want to have as one of your valuable resources. If you’re a beginning writer, want to write articles for magazines, write short stories and/or a novel, “How To Tell as Great Story” is a must for you. I wish I’d had such a resource to consult when I started my writing career, but I didn’t. I did, however, have some excellent mentors who kept me focused on story-telling.
I give this book a clear 5 star rating
This review written by George Polley, www.tostadaspeaks.blogspot.com.
Aneeta is a writer I have followed for many years now, so I was eager to read her new book “How to Tell a Great Story” which has the same title as her website at http://howtotellagreatstory.com.
Over the years Aneeta has interviewed many writers and authors on her website and has quoted from these interviews throughout her book to show that the advice she is giving is not only her own, but is also that of other respected and talented people.
When I first read the title of the book I assumed it was only going to be about writing fiction. But I was wrong.
Through the author’s eyes anyone who is writing a novel, an essay, or even presenting an oral business report is a story teller, and Aneeta has cleverly woven her own story-telling techniques into many business situations and even sales letter writing projects to demonstrate how just about anyone who wants to communicate verbally or in writing, can benefit from being a great story teller.
The book begins with a page of impressive testimonials from several well-known writers including Dan Poyntner, Joe Vitale and the great Michael Rasmussen. These big names intrigued me right from the start.
The main content of the book is a no-fluff guide that outlines the seven vital steps of telling a great story and explains all the different aspects in detail.
The steps begin with initial preparation and research and then moves through working on themes, settings, plotting, dialogue, and ends with punctuation and grammar.
There is also a useful section called “Things to Avoid” which discusses what you shouldn’t include in any great story such as slang, swearing and using clichés.
At the end of the book there are five appendices, four of which are useful templates you can print out to help you write your great story.
The fifth appendix comprises several pages of information about copyright infringement, which contains some really helpful information including exactly how much of a work you can quote from before you infringe on another writer’s copyright.
In conclusion I have to say that Aneeta herself is a great story teller and her book is a demonstration of her own unique story-telling gift as well as a helpful and easy-to-read reference guide for anyone who wants to improve their own story telling ability.
This review written by Ruth Barringham, http://writeaholics.net.
For several years, Aneeta Sundararaj has been helping writers through her website with countless articles, reviews and interviews. Now, she has compiled all her experience and expertise in her new book for beginner writers, How to Tell a Great Story. After a brief introduction, Sundararaj takes beginners through all the steps necessary to become a great storyteller, from vital preparation, to understanding themes, to the reasons for telling a great story, to painting your setting and much more. At the end of the book there are five appendixes: on planning and analyzing your research material, information for market research, character profiling, copyright issues for storytellers, and a sample storyline. Written in an engaging, yet thoughtful style, and combining quotes and written material from other authors, How to Tell a Great Story makes a helpful, information-laden reference book for any aspiring storyteller. What I really like about this book, though, is the new angle the author brings into it: the importance of storytelling not only for writing stories, but for other aspects of our lives. For example, knowing how to tell a great story can be helpful in the workplace if you work in marketing and publicity and must give a presentation. A story connects people in a way that a simple explanation or demonstration cannot. Sundararaj points out the importance of timing and intonation; in other words, often it isn’t just the story that’s vital but how you tell it. It is a talent some people are born with, but it is also a skill that can be learned and improved. The same logic works for writing. You may have a great story idea, but how you write it and execute it is what counts. The author’s advice works for aspiring short stories writers, novelists, and anyone who would like to get better at storytelling for everyday use. Reading this book was informative and interesting, and I look forward to more of Sundararaj’s work in the future. Mayra Calvani http://blogcritics.org/books/article/book-review-how-to-tell-a/
This is a great primer for beginning writers! Geared particularly to aspiring authors of fiction, How to Tell a Great Story covers the basics in detail. Aneeta Sundararaj starts with fundamentals, such as writing supplies needed, and goes on to address the key elements of story construction and character development that every writer needs to know. She also includes tips and insights from published writers of nonfiction, including a few of us who work with business leaders to apply the power of storytelling in organizations. (See Around the Corporate Campfire: How Great Leaders Use Stories To Inspire Success). How to Tell a Great Story is a good addition to any writer's reference library, especially for those who are not yet published. Evelyn Clark ‘The art of storytelling is not just about standing before a whole lot of people and saying the first thing that pops into your head. It is about communicating your thoughts, ideas and vision to people in an effective manner. It is about sharing your opinion with someone else. It is about recording your own history for future generations.’ When I first started reading How to Tell A Great Story I thought to myself “I write cookbooks so this book won’t pertain to me.” Wrong! This is one of the most informative books I’ve ever read pertaining to writing and that’s all forms of writing as well as speaking. By including speaking I want to point out that no matter what your topic, when you stand in front of someone you are a “story teller.” Whenever you start a conversation you perform all of the steps of telling a story. You have a theme or topic. There is a purpose in what you are saying and your conversation will have at least one character. How well your conversation, story or presentation is presented is determined by how strongly you emit your theme, purpose and characters. And this is what Aneeta Sundararaj will teach you in her book How to Tell a Great Story. She shows how to effectively make the theme the essence of the story. How to get the purpose of the story across to your audience. How to set up your settings using smell, taste, feelings, hearing and sight. How to build character within your characters. But most importantly she will help you understand ‘why’ you wrote or want to write your story. This author takes it even further with her explanation of when, how and if you should use slang, swearing and clichés. The use of punctuation – what to use, when and where. And to wrap it all up she supplies the forms that can be used for your research which is a vital part of your writing. No one wants to hear someone talk about a subject that they know nothing about. All-in-all, this is a book that should not only be used by writers of all genres but also as a study book for corporate presentations, teachers of all school ages and maybe a pastor now and then. I write cookbooks but I will be referring back to this for my own writings. by Martha A. Cheves, Author of Stir, Laugh, Repeat and Think With Your Taste Buds – Desserts http://marthaskitchenkorner.blogspot.com (A Book and A Dish) http://stirlaughrepeat.blogspot.com (Stir, Laugh, Repeat) http://marthaatkitchenkorner.blogspot.com Martha's Kitchen Korner) http://marthasrecipecabinet.blogspot.com (Martha's Recipe Cabinet) http://stirlaughrepeatcookbook.blogspot.com (Stir, Laugh, Repeat the Cookbook) http://marthaslist.blogspot.com (Martha's List The Good, The Bad, The Maybe) http://about.me/stirlaughrepeat.blogspot.com
Several years ago I had the pleasure of reading Aneeta Sundararaj's prepublication version of "How to Tell a Great Story." I've been a storyteller all my life, but her book prompted me to see how I undervalued my storytelling as a columnist and as a psychologist working with clients. Everything shifted. My stories tightened up and I gained a keen awareness of why I would tell a particular story. The sign of a good book is that you gain new insights when you reread it later. Today, five years later, I read the new, now-published version and again I'm excited about the new life I know my storytelling is going to take on. Aneeta's book is very basic, designed for the storyteller just beginning to write stories. Nevertheless, this experienced storyteller found some gems. Dr Neill Neill, psychologist and author of the book, "Living with a Functioning Alcoholic: A Woman's Survival Guide. www.neillneill.com
Who is a storyteller? When you think about it…everyone. Whether you’re relating a family story at the dinner table, writing a novel, presenting a work update in your office, or giving a speech you are a storyteller. So everyone can benefit from this book. How to Tell a Great Story gives us a new way to look at the many times we communicate with others. We aren’t just talking: blah, blah, blah, we’re telling a story: Once upon a time… Aneeta divides this books into effective sections that build on each other. First, let’s talk about what theme is and what some classic themes are. Next, determine what your theme is. And so it goes. The detailed Table of Contents makes it easy to zero in on just the section you want to review before an important presentation or when writer’s block strikes. The book also includes a generous helping of quotes from storytellers of all types revealing what works for them and giving the reader interesting things to mull over. The price of the book was worth it just to gain the viewpoints of these many successful storytellers. I’ll be consulting How to Tell A Great Story before a begin my next short story AND before I teach my next workshop. This book will be equally helpful for both situations. Jodi Webb http://jodiwebb.com/news/review-how-to-tell-a-great-story/
Storytelling is often only thought of in terms of writing and being an author. What most people don't realise is that storytelling is also the tool by which all great leaders help their followers turn their vision, passions and values into action. The single most important piece of advice I give every leader or 'want-to-be' leader that I work with is to learn how to tell a story. Telling stories crosses cultural, geographical, social and organisational boundaries because stories talk of what people do, translates ideas into action, relate to everyday experiences and touch a part of every human that has existed from the time when we first started to communicate with each other. While written with authors in mind, Aneeta has tackled this enormous subject in a practical, down-to-earth way so that leaders from all walks of life can benefit from both her and her contributors experience. Guy Ellis www.guyellis.net
Whether you write for fun and pleasure or whether you are a published author, 'How to Tell a Great Story,' is a must. I have had four books published, three under the pseudonym of, Laurie Driver and one under my full name of Dennis Burnier-Smith. I have embarked on a fifth book which is something of a diversion for me, i.e. it is a thriller whereas the others have been of a biographical nature. The advice given in H.T.T.A.G.S, has helped me in many ways. It has aided me in the setting out of the story and of character development, correct grammar, sentence structure and all other aspects of creative writing. I read the e-book version of Aneeta Sundararaj's very helpful book and I am seriously considering purchasing a hard copy to use as a reference work for all my future writings. Unlike a lot of the other self help books about writing and public speaking, H.T.T.A.G.S, is an easy to follow and easy to understand book. It does not treat the budding author as an idiot or attempt to belittle, it is crammed full of very useful information and tips. The only other book that I have read on this subject that comes anywhere near is Bill Keeth's, W.I.S.P, which deals mainly with self publication and Bill himself is a fan and contributor to Aneeta's newsletter. I cannot praise this book too highly.' Dennis Burnier-Smith aka Laurie Driver
Aneeta Sundararaj has bravely tackled a subject most tend to avoid in the modern world of 'self, self' self'. In short, she has written a book, designed purely and simply, to help others. In short, her book sets out to give constructive and informative aids to would-be writers and authors, to help them in their early efforts to achieve publication. As she rightly points out, we are all 'storytellers' but most people do not realize that just 'telling' a great story doesn't necessarily mean we are able to convey that story in written format. Her book is a wonderful, step by step guide that illustrates, with the help of useful information gleaned from a number of published authors, how to use nuns, verbs, and illustrative descriptive text in order to bring a story to life. For example, we are all able to come home and tell our family, "Hey, guess what happened when I was out?" The telling of such a basic story sounds simple, yes? But, if we want to put that story into words that a publisher or reader will find interesting, we need to 'flesh it out' and illustrate the story, by means of words that 'show' the reader exactly what happened, what the weather was like, who we saw, what we sad and how it affected us and so on. Although it sounds simple, any published author will tell you it is not always quite that easy. Finding the right words is often difficult and Aneeta sets out to show her readers just how to find those words. From the initial equipment a budding writer requires, through to ways of carrying our the necessary research required to create an effective story, Aneeta gives the beginner a basic grounding in all aspects of how to frame, format and put together a story and then, importantly, how to go about finding the right markets and possible publishers for their work. All in all, a thoroughly well thought out book, put together with care and deliberation and a must for all budding storytellers. Well done, Aneeta! Brian L Porter Author, A Study in Red - The Secret Journal of Jack the Ripper. http://charlesdreyfus.webs.com/dreyfuspromotions.htm http://romancewriterandreader.ning.com/profile/CharlesDreyfus http://romancewriterandreader.ning.com/profiles/blogs/how-to-tell-a-great-story-by
Dear Editor I bought your e-book and have read it. It is a great read and it has given me hope that I can also (with sufficient practice) become a good raconteur. Lloyd Kaseke
Dear Editor: Since being introduced to "How To Tell A Great Story (7th edition)" and becoming a 'Great Story Telling Network' newsletter subscriber, I have laughed, been amazed, and always satisfied with the information provided. I highly recommend it to anyone who likes to improve their own story telling skills. While out on book signings, the most asked question is, "How do I go about telling my story?" I always recommend "How To Tell A Great Story." Frank Landrey Liberty University Head Gold Coach 1992-2004 True Tales of College Gold and Coach Landrey's 12 Encouraging Word Studies Radio Host of : An Encouraging Word www.CoachLandrey.com
Hi Aneeta, Thank you so much for doing this, I really appreciate it. I love your work and I am so happy that I bought it. Enjoy your day! Kelly ---------------------------------------------------- Bouchard International www.bouchardinternational.com kelly@bouchardinternational.com
I have just ordered your e-book and read your bonus #4 Great Storytelling Articles. WOW! did I enjoy. I heard a lot of wisdom coming from your printed words and look forward to reading the rest of your book. From what I've read so far, I know that I'm in for a treat. I don't know what made me order (I usually don't fool with online orders) but I'm glad I did because I have already been blessed. My name is D'lores and I am a newly retired teacher. Growing up with ten brothers and sisters you know that I have been telling stories all of my life. I have been telling African American folktales and stories for about eight years in and about my community. I am always looking for ways to better myself and build upon what I already know. Looking forward to consulting with you (a first for me), D'lores the Storiteacha
You have openend up vast new world in front of me for which I'm truly thankful for. My life will never be quite the same. I look forward to the many happy expirences that await me as I enter this new world I have discovered. Thank you once again kenneth little
How to Tell A Great Story by Rosemarie Skaine The introduction of _How to Tell A Great Story_ outlines the energy requirements for readers to be successful. The sketch includes the necessity of completing the exercises in the book. Ten sessions are presented with each session divided into three parts. First, Aneeta Sundararaj shows the reader “what goes where in a story.” Second, examples of stories are given along with an analysis of how the authors wrote it. Last, readers are encouraged to take part in the exercises. Sundararaj presents this sketch with contagious enthusiasm. The book’s theme is centered around the “R.P.I. principle” (Rules, Principles and Ingredients). R.P.I. is explained as a principle that requires its user to be active, to understand each part of the book and to complete the exercises for maximum benefit. Sundararaj challenges the reader to work hard but to have fun with _How to Tell A Great Story_. Thus, she creates an atmosphere of confidence that will guarantee readers’ success in telling a great story. The artwork in _How to Tell A Great Story_ is attractive and meaningfully placed. For example, attention getting boxes set off the quizzes and story telling nuts and bolts aiding the reader to pull together the main issues. _How to Tell A Great Story’s_ ten sessions are packed with successful tips, illustrations and practical exercises. The reader will benefit from Sundararaj’s extensive effort to make sure the reader understands that good writing is a surety when steps are followed. Equally important is Sundararaj’s ability to motivate the reader. Her text and exercises are approached in a positive manner. Her style is conversational and friendly. Sundararaj is a great story teller. _How to Tell A Great Story_ is suitable for the general public and college and high school students. Rosemarie Skaine Author http://www.authorsden.com/rosemarieskaine
Wow, you're book really taught me a lot about the art of storytelling. I found the information very helpful and can't wait to put your powerful tips into practice. If you're looking to improve your skills in this area then look no further! Michael Rasmussen Free Advertising Forum http://www.FreeAdvertisingForum.com
Storytelling... it makes us think of children gathered around campfires listening to great stories at the end of an adventurous day... but storytelling is so much more. We use it every single day, a lot of times not even realizing it, in numerous professions-- as teachers or public speakers, to name only a few. If still in doubt, just ask those who attend "Toastmasters" meetings to improve their public speaking; they will come up with plenty of ideas where your storytelling skills may come in handy. Storytelling is particular important in writing world. As writers, we have to master the art of storytelling in order to grab readers' attention and keep them involved in the story. But how do we get to master the art of storytelling? Well, one easy way is to read and study Aneeta Sundararaj's book. "How To Tell A Great Story" is an interactive, fun way to learn where to find your story ideas and how to turn them into great stories. "How To Tell A Great Story" can be used as an introductory course in storytelling, in which readers have the opportunity to actively participate through solving the practical examples, quick quizzes and exercises sprinkled throughout the book. The author teaches her readers the "nuts and bolts," do's and don'ts of storytelling. Using a friendly, supportive tone and plain English, she explains the components, the "ingredients" of a great story. As readers, we learn about plot and character, about theme, and how to create excitement and give pace to the story. Following the R.P.I. principle Sundararaj uses in her book, we are able to achieve our goal and become skilled storytellers. With each read page and every solved exercise, we learn how to start with an idea and build it into a story, make it ours and share it with our audience. For those of you who are still unsure you can become skilled storytellers, the author brings pro and con arguments and explains each one of them, in plain English. The read is informative and enjoyable. The tone is friendly and supportive; examples and quizzes require serious work, but they are fun. Oh, and what exactly is the R.P.I. principle? Well... for that you have to read Sundararaj's book. So, what are you waiting for? Alex Shapiro, WritersCrossing.com
Like the art of selling - where one is trained to use tie-downs, bridges and closes - Aneeta's new book is sure to give you insights that can only enhance your career endeavors by creating analogies which will identify with your prospect's own, personal agenda. As a novelist, Aneeta is already known to be a superior storyteller and humorist worldwide as shown by her well-received, THE BANANA LEAF MEN. Subsequently, you undoubtedly have only one thing to lose by ignoring this special offer - knowledge. William Neven, award-winning salesman, degreed journalist and author of the critically-acclaimed science fiction trilogy, THE FINAL PHASE.
All sales are made at the emotional level, and then justified intellectually. Most people don’t realize that in order to sell your idea, product or service, you must reach the buyer on the emotional level – or don’t bother even trying. The ability to tell a story or anecdote – powerfully – is an absolutely vital tool to your success, no matter what you do. Stories are interesting, they touch the buyer in a way that can move them, and separate you from the competition. Aneeta’s book can help greatly improve your abilities in this area; it will make you money and more effective in selling your ideas for the rest of your life.” - Allan Boress, CPA, CFE, author of The I-Hate-Selling Book, www.allanboress.com<
This ebook contains the most concise yet comprehensive treatise I've ever read on the structure, dynamics and mechanics of storytelling. As both a professional author and speaker, I've long groped my way sightlessly across the often rough terrain of passionate communicating, aka storytelling. At times I've been successful in transferring my thoughts through my readers' skulls using the medium of the printed word, but many, many more times I have failed. In this groundbreaking ebook, Aneeta teaches material that I would have found useful twenty years ago, and still find helpful today! Along with learning many other vital writing skills, Aneeta's readers will discover how to begin plumbing the depths of their own experience and personality even as they are guided in how best to write or recount their own stories by invoking all five senses. Her section on character profiling is, I think, worth the price of the ebook to anyone keen on developing three-dimensional, believable protagonists! Aneeta's awesome guide has been a big help to me, and I believe it will prove the same for you. But only if you buy it, read it, and apply it. Rajen Devadason, CFP CEO RD WealthCreation Sdn Bhd and publisher of the free personal development ezine GET BETTER ( www.RajenDevadason.com
Effective story telling is a fine and beautiful art. A well presented story can transcend all age barriers,Hold the interest and reach its listeners. As a professional trainer/consultant, story telling is what I do all the time. Stories are useful to help listeners create associations to what they have learned and helps in memory retention. Even in Toastmasters, we have assignments on story telling. With a clear theme, well developed plot, vivid word pictures, pleasing sounds, rhythm, characterization and dramatic appeal, it helps the teller paint his take on the mind of the listener. Aneeta’s e-learning course on story telling certainly provides the ‘bolts and nuts ‘ of a very structured and practical platform on which one can build his/her own story telling skills. With this enhanced ability, one can certainly explore newer vistas of growth in one’s personal endeavours. As Oliver Wendell Holmes once said “The human mind once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions” Sarjit Singh PhD Professional Trainer/Story Teller www.elpd.com.my
I became acquainted with Aneeta when she read some of my poetry on the Author’s Den site and replied to me. Since then, we have become Email “pen pals.” I am a published author, cover artist and illustrator and as such, was very interested in Aneeta’s ebook, How to Tell a Great Story. From how to write a story to how to market it, Aneeta has it all covered. I found this to be excellent information and it will be helpful to any who share the craft of writing. I highly recommend Aneeta’s ebook to all. H. Steven Robertson, Author Ranch Boy Acorns of Love and Wisdom, A Book of Poetry Soccer Made Easy For Americans Bottom Time www.ranchboybooks.com
"Aneeta is a wonderful person who really has a powerful gift for 'Storytelling Magic'! I recommend her program to everyone... Whether you're a dentist, sales person, professional speaker, or corporate CEO... telling powerful, compelling stories will make you a people-magnet overnight! In fact, using only 2 principles from her program, I was able to re-work the core message of my new book: The Celibate (http://thecelibate.com) and now, whenever I start telling people about my story, I IMMEDIATELY become the center of attention... and everyone asks the same question: "When Can I Buy Your Book?" I highly recommend her program!!" - Len Foley, best-selling author of "Sales Without the Sucker Punch!" http://21stcenturysalestraining.com
Whether writing nonfiction or delivering a speech, stories make your point memorable. Audiences love stories. Dan Poynter, The Self-Publishing Manual. http://ParaPublishing.com
"The most detailed, logical, and literary analysis of how to create a memorable story yet. I was fascinated." Joe Vitale, author of way too many books to list here, www.mrfire.com
As a professional copy writer I found Aneeta’s website and tutorials extremely useful and fun to use. Aneeta stripped the creative process of writing down to its basics in an easy-going and highly entertaining manner suitable for both the recreational and professional writer. Aneeta’s tutorials used a wealth of fables from ancient Hindu mythology to explain and highlight various themes, narratives etc. something I personally found very unique and appealing. The course reminded me how essential good story telling is and how I can apply these lessons to my professional life and also my personal life – there is no longer a stampede for the nearest exit when I say to my friends, “Have I told you about the time when…” Was it RMXX well spent? You bet it was! (and this is coming from a tight-fisted Penangite) Rosalind Chua Freelance copywriter rozchua@hotmail.com
Hi Aneeta, I believe that story telling is a great skill to have. Most people love to read or listen to great stories. Your latest book, 'How To Tell a Great Story' is indeed a great resource to have for anyone who wish to improve their story telling skill. Even though I have written a book on short motivational stories, Cappuccino & Success', I still find your book useful. There are many tips that I found useful in your book. I am impressed with the 'RPI' principles. Thanks for your great contribution. Best wishes. Richard Quek http://www.internetmarketingtrainer.com
T. Shanmugam Lecturer / Head of Research Unit Technical Teachers’ TrainingCollege Yaacob Latif Road Kuala Lumpur, West Malaysia (dtshan@yahoo.com) Dear Aneeta, A great thanks for introducing me to your series of story writing with themes from Mahabharat. It was indeed an eye opener for me for two simple reasons. 1. As an academic book writer myself, I always thought that what I was doing was a Herculean task for in an academic writing facts and figures are the core business. A single mistake will not only make the book a failure but will smear the writer’s image too. Such are my perceptions that after producing few books I began to have this “air” around myself and looked at other writers as less important. Your sessions have given me an inside information that have changed my worldview of writing. You have exposed to me the art of story writing in the simplest form exposing in such a delicate yet creative way of how to write. This piece of information is not only practical for story writing but for anyone who thrives to put anything in writing. It’s a commendable effort indeed. 2. Your style of putting each session with themes of Mahabharat is indeed another creative effort exposing Hindu mythology to your target users. I stepped into your sessions with the hope of getting some fundamental knowledge of story writing but little did I know that each session was “marinated” with Mahabharat themes. Each theme has given me the attitude and understanding of Hindu mythology in a broader sense. I feel I am a better Hindu now. I sincerely feel that your “two in one” sessions are great and it has made a paradigm shift in my life. I will not hesitate to introduce your sessions for its worth every penny paid. Sincerely, T. Shanmugam Ph.D, M.Ed, B.A Hons (Econs), Dip. Ed, C.Dip. A.F
Story telling is an art but one that everyone should be able to learn Using some of the most ancient stories (cultural mythology) allows the student to work from a known subject; perhaps even a story they heard as a child. The fact that you give people an education into Hindu mythology as well as sharing stories you loved as a child is a side benefit and could help perpetuate the stories or renew the interest in them. How many movies have been made from the Iliad and the Odyssey? How many plot lines have recycled the Trojan Horse? (Even a type of computer virus has been dubbed Trojan Horse.) Besides if the stories weren't good they wouldn't have lasted so long. Personally I believe that each person has at least one story to tell but most don't know how to do it. Your program could prove valuable to them or to those would-be authors looking for a way forward. Donald Goldberg
Have you ever read a book that you just couldn’t put down or watched a movie that left you with an afterglow and asked yourself “Why can’t I tell a story like that?” Well, I’ve got news for you. You can. And here Aneeta tells you just how. Over ten easy-to-follow sessions, each of which builds on the ones before, your self-confidence grows until you are ready to say “That’s for me. I have a story to tell and I want to do it now!”. It’s unique and exciting way to a develop the potential that you always suspected you had and this is why: Aneeta has gone through it herself so she knows what each one of us needs to develop the skill and confidence to tell a story with such panache that others will hang on our every word. Her method uses both ancient Hindu stories and contemporary themes which are interesting in themselves as well as thought-provoking. The sessions use ordinary every day language so that you will not strain to understand the meaning. Starting from a background in law, Aneeta always knew that she had story to tell and set out determinedly to acquire the skills she needed to tell her story in a way in which others would find it interesting. ... We should be thankful that she now wants to share her experiences with us. Although I am a writer myself, I had not tried too hard to “tell a story”. My books are about tax and I thought that such a “dull” subject had no appeal as a story. I was wrong. Aneeta has helped me to see that sharing my knowledge and experience of tax is also a form of “telling a story” which can be improved by following the principles she has set out here. My book “Satisfying Karen’s Curiosity – Q&A on Personal Taxation in Malaysia” is my first attempt at following story-telling principles. Taking note of what you said, I used a traditional story to introduce a talk that I had to give to a group of strangers recently. They were all adults but I had their attention from the outset with my story about "The Pied Piper of Hamlyn". Thanks for the advice. Sincerely, Richard Thornton Chartered Tax Advisor Published Author ricton100@hotmail.com
Here are some of the other comments we've received and they relate to some of the other services / products we offer here.
Dear Aneeta, Your Great StoryTelling Network newsletter has allowed me to expand my thinking on story telling. I cannot tell you how many times your articles and material have blessed me. My present efforts to write a book for the purpose of bringing about a unique story of our nation that is about to lose its God given freedoms have been aided greatly by your newsletter information. ... All God's best, www.FrankLandrey.com
Hi Aneeta, Just wanted to say thanks for your much-appreciated insight and helpful advice you gave me. I’ve now rewritten the entire book, using your comments and suggestions to make it perfect. Ruth Barringham http://selfpublishworldwide.com
All in all, I hope I get much of your excellent website and learn your tips. Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Romina Berardi
Dear Aneeta, Have enjoyed being on your e-mail list. So many times tellers ask about copyright laws and we were greatly helped by your article by Heather Forrest last time, Copied your article then copied her bio from her website. I am in two different cluster groups in Atlanta and everybody seemed pleased to have that information from such an outstanding source as Heather. It helped answer many questions for us. Thank you so much for keeping us posted. Jane Hinds
I would like to thank you for your editor report on my first draft story, the report was very comprehensive and thorough. In the report you put some excellent and useful suggestions, on how I may progress forward to publishing my story. It has heartened me considerably in my quest to get published and has not deterred me in any way. I feel, I now have seen a pathway forward in telling my story, 'Before Flash's Tail.' I have no hesitation in recommending Aneeta's services to anyone who like myself wants to tell a story, but is unsure how to get there. Peter J Parker PGCM. MICM. C&G (3) 7302 & 1886 Tutor ECS Security www.ecs-security.co.uk www.nightingales-training.co.uk
Your newsletter is getting better and better?
Fareed Abdul Ghani
Dear Aneeta,, A storytelling friend of mine, Leanne Johnson, whom you recently interviewed, was kind enough to tell me about your amazing web site. I look forward to exploring the array of fascinating topics in your archives. Thank you for offering your insight and expertise so many of us will benefit from your work. Warmest regards, Karen Chace Storyteller/Author/Web Researcher http://www.storybug.net
Let me just say that I sincerely admire your Website, your newsletter and dedication to your craft. Being a writer is a lonely struggle for most of us for many years but it is in our blood to be creative and share words... William E. Blake title="blocked::http://www.blakepublishing.com"> http://www.blakepublishing.com
Aneeta, I just love your energy! Way to go! Linda Linda Gorham, Storyteller www.LindaGorham.com
Hi, Aneeta! Just a quick note to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. No, I'm not just going through the motions of flattering a fellow blogger, I really mean it. I am learning a heck of a lot about the publishing industry and I find it all so interesting. Lotus Reads
this website is a paradise of sorts for writers. here is a place to learn share and most importantly give. kong chia yew
Hi Aneeta, Thanks for welcoming me as one of subscribers of your great story .com . am really glad and very happy. its really very useful to me because i will use some of the stories in my English class for korean and japanese students. A million thanks to you. Good Luck May Villardo
Thanks, I always enjoy your letter. Jane Hinds
Hi, Aneeta Sundraraj. just to tell you that i am very intereted in your story telling. I am very delighted to see your message in my box for so many times. Ttank you very much for your cooperation. dabo abdulai
hello , I am very happy about the message that you send to me every time . thank you very much . you can not believe me I always read it even though at the beginning was difficult for me to know all the meaning now i feel i was very better .thank you 1000time ahmat oumar haram
You are a genius and your web site is like a great rich tapestry of information, news, hints stories, the works. I had not visited your site for at least month as I was away and now looking at it I feel you have found your niche and have done yourself proud. The vast choice, the reading matter and the ideas you project are a veritable Aladdin's cave for a budding writer. Your interviews are fascinating ... like Topsy you have and grown and grown into one of the most fascinating, helpful and useful websites on the internet. Congratulations, I wish you all the best. Merlyn Swan
Eric Okeke when his Fascinating Story was posted It is a wonderful opportunity for people to express themselves and touch the lives of others. Story telling is an effective communications tool and is now big business. And for you to set up and maintain a site solely for this purpose is commendable. Please keep it up. Eric Okeke [Editor's note: as few days after this fascinating story was posted, this is part of the message I received from Eric: 'I got a response today, to my Fascinating Story ... [from someone in the] USA. She commended my story. Thanks to you.']
Selva Dear Anita and Eric, Best of luck and best wishes for your great ambition and good net work for story tellers. Keep it up, and we will try our best to make your dreams come true.
Dan Poynter in his interview with Aneeta, The King of Self-Publishing Nice work. Thanks
Steve Robertson in his interview with Aneeta, Way, away from here! Aneeta is an author also, and a very successful one. We have become email chums and she recently asked me to do an interview for her website. It's pretty neat. And just to think, this is being sent all over the world! This could really help me out in the author business.
Merlyn Swan in her interview with Aneeta: I think you are doing very well in providing story tellers with a great platform for the expression of their hopes and dreams and it would be sad if they do not see this as a great opportunity to reach a very wide audience. It is a symbiotic experience and one I thoroughly support. I wish you the best of luck.
Rosemarie Skaine in her interview with Aneeta, Disclosure: Thank you for your questions. They are excellent. You are very good at interviewing. ... This interview is one of the more interesting that I have had. Best wishes, Rosemarie Skaine [a few days later...] Thank you for a wonderful interview. The webpage looks really nice. I thank you for your professional page on my work. I am very honored. You are a great person to work with. Many thanks.
Dear Aneeta, ... I wanted to express my gratitude, and to congratulate you on the extraordinary website you've created. Do keep up the excellent job! Fraternal best wishes, Okey Ndibe
Hi Aneeta, ... And you are doing something very worthwhile. When I get a few items off my plate, I hope to make a contribution or two. Neill Neill
And we can both be thankful to Aneeta for providing yet another way of making the world smaller through networking. Dr. Neill Neill Yes, one of the beautiful things about Aneeta's work is that it brings people together. Rosemarie Skaine
... I have started working through your e-book, How to tell a great story, and am enjoying it. Gopal Ramasammy-Cook
Dear Aneeta, Wow! What a comprehensive blog! I trust you're well. You are clearly providing a tremendous outlet for people across the planet who understand the sheer power of a story told with a genuine voice. Stay well and continue doing that which you do best... which is to write and to write about writing. Warmest regards, Rajen Devadason
Your newsletter has helped me so far in detecting the very best books about writing short stories and novels. Wilhelm Kratzig