
Tuesday, 02 October 2012 17:46

Golden Chariot by Chris Karlsen Featured

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Golden Chariot
by Chris Karlsen
Publisher: Books to Go Now (March 14, 2012)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
Language: English

Talented author Chris Karslen has written an action-packed adventure story set in exotic Turkey that will be relished by fans of underwater archaeology and lost treasures.

Our feisty protagonist, Charlotte Dashiell, is about to complete her doctorate in nautical archaeology. She travels to Bodrum, Turkey, to start a new excavation for the Maritime Institute of Archaeology and Research. In fact, she’s there to investigate a wreck possibly associated with Troy. This is her dream come true, as she’s always wanted to focus her research on shipwrecks located in the Aegean Sea and the eastern Mediterranean. Her field of interest, the Trojan War, is focused on that area. Her work there could mean the proof she needs for her theory: that the shipwreck contains the lost treasure of the king of Troy.

Unexpectedly, though, her boat is broadsided and the craft responsible mysteriously explodes. To make matters worse, the only man who has any answers goes missing and then is found dead. As a result, the local authorities don’t believe her story—not only that, but they suspect her of criminal intent.

Our hero, Turkish archaeologist Atakan Vadim, is there to protect the relics and the integrity of the shipwreck. He’s warm, genial and has a good sense of humor. However, with Charlotte he behaves cold and somber. He doesn’t trust her one bit. For him, she means trouble in all the sense of the word. He also thinks her mad and an utter romantic because of her theory.

As tension escalates and more deaths happen, Charlotte knows she’s in grave danger and should go back home, but there’s no way she’ll do that. If she does, she’ll miss the chance to be part of the exploration. It could mean a break or make opportunity for her theory.

This is one of the most entertaining novels I’ve read in a long time. I loved the whole scenario of the exotic location and the underwater shipwreck, and also the connection to the enigma of the lost treasure of Troy. I’ve always been an avid fan of underwater archaeology, so this was right up my alley. Charlotte is a smart, sympathetic heroine. I also enjoyed the fact that the hero is Turkish and that the story is rich with local flavor. I lived in Turkey for five years and know the author did an excellent job with the setting, local customs, language and people. The historical facts and everything about the underwater exploration was fascinating. The villain was particularly terrifying in a cold blooded way. I highly recommend this novel to anybody who enjoys a good story full of action and adventure, especially those who love archaeology and/or are interested in Troy.

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Reviewed by Mayra Calvani (
July 2012

Read 1165 times Last modified on Thursday, 11 November 2021 23:07

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