Blow Your Own Trumpet

Have  you noticed how the most successful people are always those who are great storytellers?

This page lists  all the interviews that we have had the honour of conducting with the very many storytellers people from all over the world. Click on the title of the interview you’d like to read and you’ll be taken to the appropriate webpage.

If you would like to be interviewed, please do not hesitate to contact us at editor @

Introduction: Some months ago, Jack Stewart suggested I contact Peter to ask if he would like to be interviewed. I looked at Peter's website and duly contacted him with my request. He agreed but asked that the interview be delayed until now. I waited and it has been worth the wait. So, without further ado, here's Peter Adamson. Aneeta: Peter, thank you for agreeing to this interview. Peter: My pleasure – thank you for interviewing me. Aneeta: Please give me a little information about your background. Where did you grow up, what do you do for a living and…
Introduction: About a week ago, I received an email from Matt requesting an interview. He attached to his email a document which had some information about him. I read the attachment with much interest and knew I wanted to interview him. I am sure, when you read all of Matt's stories below, you'll agree that his is a most interesting tale. Without further ado, I have great pleasure in introducing to you Matt Jones a.k.a. Sitting Bear ... Aneeta: Matt, thank you for writing to me with your request. Matt: Aneeta, I appreciate this opportunity to share my story with…
Introduction: Again, I was surfing the net and in particular, Authors dean, when I came across the information about Eva. I visited her 'space' on Myspace and the blurb for her upcoming novel piqued my interest; naturally, I contacted her with a request to interview her. She agreed and without further ado, I have great pleasure in introducing to you Eva Pasco ... Aneeta: Eva, thank you for agreeing to this interview. Eva: Aneeta, I appreciate this golden opportunity to bask in the limelight. Aneeta: I’ve read your bio on MySpace. I’d appreciate it if you could share some of…
Introduction: I was surfing the net when I came across Roy's website - It is a simple site no doubt, but the information shared was about an interesting approach taken to writing a biography. I contact Roy and asked him if he would be interested in an interview and he agreed. Here's his story. Like many U.S. families, mine tended to move around. When I was born, they lived in Newark, New Jersey, wandered to Los Angeles, came back to Newark, then to the Queens in New York City and finally back to L.A. All that happened before I…
Introduction: I uploaded an interview with Graeme Houston a few days ago. Within 24 hours, I received an email from Brian requesting an interview. I visited his websites and had a proper look at all his work. It's an impressive body of work and without further ado, here's Brian L. Porter. Aneeta: Brian, thank you for contacting me with a request for an interview. Brian: It’s a pleasure to talk to you Aneeta. When my good friend Graeme Houston suggested I contact you I had no idea you’d be in touch so soon, so thank you! Aneeta: Yes. When I…
Introduction: I was surfing the Author's Den site and came across Graeme's biography. I was immediately drawn to the fact that Graeme now lives in Malaysia. I quickly contacted him and asked if he'd like to be interviewed. He agreed and without further ado, here's Graeme Houston. Aneeta: Graeme, thank you for agreeing to this interview. Graeme: Thank you for giving me the opportunity Aneeta. It’s a pleasure to be here amidst all the very talented storytellers you have interviewed. Aneeta: Please tell me a little about your early life-where were you born, where did you grow up, what do…
Introduction: I was surfing the net and came across an article written by Mayra. I then visited her site and was intrigued. I asked her if she wanted to be interviewed and she agreed. Therefore, without further ado, here's Mayra Calvani. Aneeta: Mayra, thank you for agreeing to this interview. Mayra: Thanks for having me here, Aneeta. It’s a pleasure! Aneeta: For a start, please tell me a little about your childhood and youth, where you live and what you do for a living. Mayra: I was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, but have lived in the US, the…
Introduction: I received a lovely email from Jeanette about two weeks ago. In it, she said, I've received your newsletter for about six months. There's always something to be learned to help me move forward as a storyteller. Thereafter, Jeanette requested an interview and I was more than happy to do so. I have enjoyed this interview and indeed, I have learned what the KiSwahili word for creativity is. Want to know what this is? Keep reading. Here's Jeanette W. Vaughn;s story. Aneeta: Jeanette, thank you for writing in to request that I interview you. Jeanette: Aneeta, I was surprised…
Introduction: In the most recent issue of the Great StoryTelling Network newsletter, I'd asked subscribers to my newsletter to write to me if they were interested in being interviewed for this column. Jim was one of them who replied and after viewing his website, I was keen to interview him. Without further ado, here's Jim Cyr... Aneeta: Jim, thank you for responding to my request for storytellers who’d like to be interviewed. Jim: You are welcome, Aneeta, Thank you for interviewing me. Aneeta: As usual, let me begin, please by asking to tell me something about you. Where were you…
Introduction: After I'd posted the interview with Evelyn Clark, I was on the lookout for someone to interview. One day, I received an email from Regina Kuan in Singapore asking if I'd like to interview James Bonnet. I immediately wrote to him requesting an interview. He agreed and I'm sure you'll agree with me, after reading this interview, that his experience in this field is quite impressive. Without further ado, I have great pleasure in introducing to you James Bonnet ... Aneeta: James, thank you for agreeing to this interview. James: It’s my pleasure, Aneeta. Aneeta: Let’s start with something…

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