
Monday, 01 October 2012 19:54

Blueprint by Lynnette Vaughn Featured

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By Lynnette Vaughn
Author’s website:   

Blueprint is the story of one soul’s journey in planning her last incarnation on earth and what happens when friends take over.

The novel opens with Arielle and Raphael in Heaven as they discuss Arielle’s upcoming and last incarnation. Raphael, who’s been her soul mate for thousands of years, offers to help her plan it and she accepts. He suggests that they get their 12 special friends in Heaven involved. To accomplish this, they decide to invite them all for dinner. At dinner, the friends take turns making suggestions for Arielle’s final life: a healer, a transexual, a homeless person, an orphan, a psychiatrist, a child prodigy, among others. Together, they weigh the pros and cons of each scenario while Raphael answers many of their questions about religion and spirituality. Finally, Arielle makes her decision and presents her ‘blueprint’ to the council of elders.

Blueprint is a short light read that explores various aspects of reincarnation, numerology and astrology, among other esoteric subjects. The story is rather linear because the aim of the author is to present these ideas rather than offer a fictional story for fiction’s sake. The chapters are short and simple, and the writing is mostly dialogue. An unusual, interesting read for those interested in the topics mentioned.

To learn more about this book, visit the author’s website.

Reviewed by Mayra Calvani (
March 2012

Read 1209 times Last modified on Thursday, 11 November 2021 19:55

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