
Tuesday, 02 October 2012 18:14

Journey in Time by Chris Karlsen Featured

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Journey in Time By Chris Karlsen
Publisher: Books To Go Now; First Edition edition (2011)


Shakira Constantine is a beautiful, independent, successful London attorney. One night she meets handsome Alex Lancaster. There's no denying that the sparks are mutual, even though she isn't impressed by his riveting good looks and acting career.

Then fate plays a trick on her when he is unjustly sued for sexual harassment and she ends up representing him. Of course, now that he's her client, they get to spend a lot more time together.

Risking venturing into the boudaries of unethical behavior, she accepts his invitation to spend a weekend in the countryside. He promises to behave and also swears that the weekend will be strictly professional.

Nothing, however, prepares her for what happens next...

Walking in the woods one day, they experience a moment of abrupt, strange disorientation and find themselves in front of a Norman medieval stone castle. Everyone around them is dressed in medieval fashion and speak in an archaic way just like in The Cantebury Tales.

Unable to believe her eyes, Shakira thinks the setting is for one of his movies. But nothing prepares her for the truth...

Journey in Time is a steamy, time-travel romance story with a strong, independent heroine and an irrisistible, warm and caring hero. Karslen does an excellent job with the historical setting and characters. I really felt myself transported in time and enjoyed all the historical details.

There's also a lot of good humor at times to balance the serious segments. Abundant love scenes spice up the prose and there's enough tension to keep readers turning pages.


Reviewed by Mayra Calvani


August 2012


Read 1079 times Last modified on Thursday, 11 November 2021 19:34

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